Tuesday, January 5, 2010

5 Questions

1. What do you do when you can do no more?
Really depends on the situation. If I can't help then I ask someone what they think needs to be done or what should happen. Example: If I mailed something out twice to you already, we have verified I have the proper address, I cannot use Fed Ex or UPS or some other carrier, it must be US post, it is December 23rd, this is a Christmas gift: What will you have me do?
2. What activity recharges your inner battery?

Listening to Red Hot Chili Peppers, watching football, an hour or two with a video game controller, a good walk.
3. What was the last time you acted selflessly?

This last weekend.
4. What was the last time you were given a gift?

This last weekend.
5. What does a pet give you?
