Monday, April 26, 2010


Cooking/Food, again.
1. Tea or Coffee or juice in the morning, and why?
Protein shake of some kind, usually chocolate, and I like a Lo-Carb Monster but it is not a must like the protein shake is.
2. What's your typical breakfast on workdays, and what on weekends?
I do a lot of yogurt for breakfast but usually opt for leftovers if there are any to be had.
3. What do you drink through the day?
I get three protein drinks in a day, 4 to 5 hours between each one. I like to have that morning Blue Monster if I can. Aside from that? Vitamin water zero (the orange or lemonade flavors) and water.
4. Best snack?
Nuts - peanuts or almonds usually be mixed is fine too.
Cheese - Cheddar is better than most. I get tired of Jack because I get so much when I am at work.
5. Your favorite dinner when you cook for yourself alone?
Just a simple sandwich. Be it grill cheese, PB & J, tuna salad, or egg salad.

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